The beginning of February belongs to another Grand Prix. €100,000 GTD is up for grabs
Traditionally, several festivals are played every month at Card Casino. February will be no different. The poker action kicks off with the popular Grand Prix series (Feb. 3-9) with a 100,000€ guarantee.
Players are already used to the GP buy-in being a cool €100. It will be no different in this case. However, those who would like to, have the opportunity to jump into the game for pennies on the dollar - the Super Satellites start with a buy-in of just €10!
Players have the opportunity to get a ticket through qualification on Monday
Feb 3 from 18:00 (ticket for DAY 1A), then on Tuesday and Wednesday for DAY 1B and DAY 1C from 19:00. The opening day is played for 20 tickets, followed by two for 5. The last chance to qualify for €10 is on Friday from 17:00.
And what is the programme of the flights themselves?
On Tuesday, February 4, DAY 1A is played from 18:00.The standard buy-in is the aforementioned €100, with 100,000 chips waiting for players to start, and levels change after 30 minutes. Whoever remains in the last 10% of players in the game will advance to the FINAL DAY.
The next flight programme is as follows:
Wednesday, 5. 2. from 18:00 DAY 1B
Thursday, 6. 2. from 18:00 DAY 1C
Friday, 7. 2. from 15:00 DAY 1D
Friday, 7.2. from 20:00 DAY 1E
Saturday, 8 February from 12:00 DAY 1F
Saturday, 8 Feb from 17:00 DAY 1G
Saturday, 8 February from 22:00 DAY 1H Turbo
Sunday, 9.2. from 11:00 DAY 1I Hyperturbo
In addition, there will be an ultra-fast version of advancing to the final day with a stack of 1,000,000 chips - when ten players are collected, cards are dealt and it's winner-take-all in FLIP&GO.
And look out! There's one more enticement for those players who would like to jump into the tournament more than once.
Whoever advances from the initial flights 2x will receive a bonus of €500.
Whoever manages to advance 3 times will get a bonus of €1,000.
Whoever enters the tournament multiple times and advances 4 times can look forward to a reward of a cool €2.500!
And who will be assured of advancing to the FINAL DAY will be seated at the gaming tables on Sunday from 16:30.
For a complete schedule of tournaments at Card Casino and information not only about the Grand Prix, please visit www.cardcasino.sk or contact the floors and managers of the largest Slovak casino directly
You can find us on Krajinská cesta 21 in Šamorín